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Bridging Cultures in Video Game Localization

Bridging Cultures in Video Game Localization

Bridging Cultures in Video Game Localization

Hi there! Welcome to our little corner of the world at 23 Studios. 23 Studios is the place where languages meet, cultures mingle, and video games become a universal language of fun, understanding, and adventure. Let us take you on a detailed journey through our daily grind — well, it’s hardly a grind when you love what you do, right?


Our Recipe for Localization: More Than Just Translation

Imagine a kitchen where every ingredient is a word, every spice is a cultural nuance, and every dish is a video game waiting to be served to a global table. That's us! Here at 23 Studios, our morning starts with a deep dive into the culture and language we're working with. It's like being an international chef: you've got to know your audience's palate well before you start cooking.

Picture our project managers as the head chefs in our cultural kitchen — they're not only masters of language, but also have immense knowledge of both source and target cultures. Their role goes beyond mere translation; they craft each game's localization to ensure it feels naturally "at home" in its new cultural setting. They're responsible for preserving the heart and soul of the game across different cultures, ensuring that every single detail, from humor to emotional depth, translates seamlessly and respectfully.

But there’s more to the story. Our leading project managers, the ones steering the ship for all language versions and handling client correspondence, bring an additional layer of expertise. They're not only seasoned linguists but also hold a deep, subtle understanding of the cultures we work with. This comprehensive insight is vital — it ensures that from the overarching narrative down to the finest detail, every element of the game is in harmony with cultural expectations and sensitivities. This meticulous, dual-focused approach ensures that the essence of the game is not just maintained but celebrated in its new locale.


The Local Touch: Our Secret Sauce

Now, no chef worth their salt works alone, and neither do we. We partner with native translators and cultural experts from around the world. These are our sous-chefs, the ones who know the local flavors better than anyone. They help us spot those little nuances that make all the difference — like how a playful phrase in one language might be a cultural misstep in another.

But it’s not all about avoiding cultural missteps; it’s about capturing the core of the game in a way that resonates locally. Our experts help infuse each project with the kind of authenticity that can only come from within the culture itself. It's a collaborative effort, a blend of expertise, taste, and a deep respect for diversity.


Feedback: The Taste Test

Just as chefs taste their dishes before serving, we too have our testing phase. This is where the local gaming communities come in — they're our diners, in a way. We listen carefully to their feedback, making adjustments to ensure every game is cooked to perfection. It's a cycle of learning and improving, where every round of feedback is an opportunity to enhance the experience.


Facing the Challenges Head-On

Sure, the process isn’t without its hurdles. Language is a tricky beast, full of idioms, humor, and culture-specific items that don't always play well in other languages. And culture? Well, that’s even more complex. What’s considered heroic in one culture might be frowned upon in another. That's where our detailed, elaborate approach really shines. We dissect these challenges, analyze them from all angles, and find solutions that stay true to the game's spirit while respecting the cultural context.

One of the most delicate parts of our job is balancing respect for cultural sensitivities with the game's original vibe and intent. It's like walking a tightrope while juggling — thrilling but challenging. We're constantly learning, adapting, and fine-tuning our approach to ensure we strike the right balance.


Let’s go over some examples on how we handle these hurdles:


Idioms & Figurative Language:

Scenario: A character offers advice saying, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." (meaning don't celebrate prematurely)

Problem: This idiom might not have a direct equivalent in some cultures.

Solution: The project manager finds a similar proverb with the same meaning, like "Don't cross the bridge until you come to it" (English) or "No cantes victoria antes de tiempo" (Spanish, meaning "Don't sing victory before time is up").

Formal vs Informal Language:

Scenario: Use of "you" in English, which is neutral and can be used for both formal and informal contexts.

Problem: Korean has different levels of formality and the use of "you" can change dramatically based on the relationship between speakers, affecting the tone and respectfulness.

Solution: Localizers adjusted the translation based on the characters' relationships.


Technical Problems

Localization is not solely a translation task; it also involves significant technical challenges and creative input that can influence game design. Localizers often provide invaluable insights that help game designers make their creations more accessible and enjoyable to a global audience. Let's explore a few scenarios that highlight these unique challenges and the thoughtful solutions that come from this teamwork:

Scenario 1: Font File Reduction in Japanese Language Support

Problem: A client wishes to decrease the game's file size by eliminating two of the three Japanese writing systems (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) from the font files. This could lead to incomprehensible text, severely diminishing player engagement and understanding due to each system's unique role in the Japanese language.

Solution: Rather than removing entire character sets, consider optimizing the font files. This can be achieved by excluding less frequently used Kanji characters or by providing optional language packs for download. Employing more compact font formats or introducing dynamic font loading, where only currently needed characters are loaded based on the player's progression, are viable alternatives for size reduction without compromising content.


Scenario 2: Right-to-Left Layout Adaptation for Arabic Localization

Problem: Arabic script is read from right to left. Merely translating text without adjusting the user interface layout can result in a disorienting player experience.

Solution: Develop a mirrored UI layout specifically for the Arabic version. This entails flipping UI components horizontally and realigning text to suit right-to-left reading patterns, ensuring that gameplay remains unaffected. This approach respects cultural norms and enhances user experience for Arabic-speaking players.


Scenario 3: Universal Font Styling Across Different Languages

Problem: Utilizing a singular stylized font across all language versions to maintain aesthetic consistency poses readability issues for languages with complex characters or unique script requirements, such as Chinese, Thai, or Arabic.

Solution: Localizers assist in selecting fonts that are linguistically, technically, and culturally appropriate for each target language while aligning with the game's visual style. Ensuring these fonts accommodate all required characters and conform to readability standards specific to each script, including proper size and spacing, is essential. This ensures clarity and maintains the game's visual harmony across different language editions.

For example, in Turkish localization, ensuring that unique letters such as ı, ğ, ü, ş, ö, and ç are supported by the font is crucial. A Unicode-compliant font allows these characters to be displayed correctly, preserving the text's integrity. Similarly, for languages like Chinese, Thai, or Arabic, fonts need to support the unique requirements of these scripts while ensuring readability and maintaining the game's aesthetic consistency.

By leveraging Unicode and carefully selecting appropriate fonts, localizers can ensure that the game remains visually consistent and readable across all language versions, providing a seamless user experience for players worldwide.


Legal Eagle Eye

And then there's the legal aspect. Each country has its own rules about what can and cannot be shown or said in games. Part of our job is to navigate these waters carefully, ensuring that everything we do is up to code. It's meticulous work, but absolutely necessary for a smooth launch.


Wrapping It Up: More Than Just Games

So, what’s a day like at 23 Studios? It's intense, it's fun, and it's incredibly rewarding. We’re not just localizing games; we’re opening doors to new worlds. We’re not just avoiding misunderstandings, we're fostering connections and understanding across cultures.

Thank you for joining us on this little tour. Here's to many more adventures in the beautiful world of game localization

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